Salario Alexandra Cooper

Personaje famoso - Podcaster - Estados Unidos
Nacido en: 1994, United States
  • Anual: $529,999,864.00
  • Mensual: $44,166,655.33
  • Semanal: $10,192,305.08
  • Diario: $2,038,461.02
Alexandra Cooper

Desde el momento que abriste esta página de web, Alexandra Cooper ha ganado:

This summary is provided by Wikipedia

Alexandra Robbins es una periodista investigadora, profesora y escritora. Sus libros se centran en los adultos jóvenes, la educación y la moderna vida universitaria y de aspectos que a menudo se pasan por alto o ignoran los administradores. Tres de sus cinco libros han sido Best-Seller del New York Times.

Wikipedia page about Alexandra Robbins Mar. 2024: Under the Spotify agreement, Alex is set to earn a base of $20 million annually for hosting Call Her Daddy, with the potential to earn additional income based on reaching specific download milestones throughout the contract period.


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2022-9
