Salario Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen

Empresario - Lego Group - Dinamarca
Nacido en: 1947, Billund, Denmark
  • Anual: RD$126,124,043,982.00
  • Mensual: RD$10,510,336,998.50
  • Semanal: RD$2,425,462,384.27
  • Diario: RD$485,092,476.85
Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen

Desde el momento que abriste esta página de web, Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen ha ganado:

This summary is provided by Wikipedia

Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen ha sido el presidente y director ejecutivo de la empresa Lego desde 1979 hasta el 2004. Ha tenido 3 hijos.

Wikipedia page about Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen

Fictional income calculated by subtracting the net worth of 2023 from the 2024 net worth.
Net Worth 2024: $6 B (no rise compared to last year).
Forbes Apr 2023 Net Worth $ 6.7 B, no rise compared to 2022
Forbes Apr 2022 Net Worth $8.2 B, $ 2.1 billion rise compared to 2020 Apr. 2020: $1,4 billion rise compared Mar. 2019


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2024-3
