Salario Prabhas

Nacido en: 1979, India
  • Anual: $33.293.346.654
  • Mensual: $2.774.445.554
  • Semanal: $640.256.666
  • Diario: $128.051.333

Desde el momento que abriste esta página de web, Prabhas ha ganado:

This summary is provided by Wikipedia

Somnath es un lugar de peregrinación (tirtha) en la costa del mar Arábigo, a 7 km al sureste de la costera ciudad de Veraval. en el estado de Guyarat.

Wikipedia page about Somnath

Forbes India Feb. 2024: To determine the annual income, the average earnings per film were multiplied by the total number of films he starred in during 2023. Approximate Fee Charged Per Movie: Rs100 crores-200 crores.

The Financial Express Mar 2023: Rs 150 crore per movie (2023: Adipurush, Salaar)
Mashable India May 2022 Rs cr150 per movie (2022, Radhe Shyam)


For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.

Update: 2024-2

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